Our founder Karrie Mellor, BA (Hons)
Having spent 2 years as head of her local primary school’s PTA, a chance trip to Romania inspired Karrie to launch Bags of Support in 2012.
Mother of 3, Karrie was frustrated by the amount of textile waste produced in this country and the simultaneous need for clothing abroad. With her experience on the PTA she was also well aware of how important but difficult and time consuming fundraising can be.
When friend Kinga invited Karrie to visit Romania and a local orphanage there, the solution suddenly seemed obvious and the idea Bags of Support was born.
Karrie has spent many years working overseas and in the UK in both the travel industry and business. With this experience and working with Kinga in Romania, Bags of Support was launched in the autumn of 2012.
“It’s great to be putting something back into the community both here in Sussex, Romania and especially in Uganda. My kids are all now passionate about recycling and I hope we can inspire others to really make a difference. When we first started 8 years ago, Climate change wasn’t as high up on the agenda as it is getting, people were more concerned about clothes going to landfill.
Now luckily, people are beginning to understand how finite our resources are – the textile industry uses so much water- making a cotton hoodie uses as much water as you and I will drink in 4 years!
Hopefully we can encourage people to use second hand clothing and try and make sure they recycle any of their unwanted clothing as efficiently as possible.”